All boardsports together in one crazy weekend

Every year Avalanche Boarders organizes an awesome introduction weekend. Naturally, they succeeded this year as well. Intro camp is a perfect way for new members or people who are interested in joining our association to get to know the other members and each other. During the weekend you can try out the different board sports,…

Surftrip Marokko 2016

The beginning of February, the time of carnaval has arrived! Especially in the south of the Netherlands, this basically means a week of dressing up silly, partying and consuming outrageous amounts of alcohol. What better excuse for us to get out of the country for an awesome week of surfing and enjoying the Moroccan food…

Surftrip Marokko

Het begon allemaal op de borrel; nadat Jacco al vaak verhalen had gehoord van Rob over zijn winterse surfsessies in Marokko, opperde hij in een gekke bui om in de carnavalsvakantie te gaan (golf)surfen in Marokko. Zo gezegd, zo gedaan: vlucht geboekt bij Ryanair en klaar! Rob had via een kennis in Taghazout, Mustapha, en…