All boardsports together in one crazy weekend

Every year Avalanche Boarders organizes an awesome introduction weekend. Naturally, they succeeded this year as well. Intro camp is a perfect way for new members or people who are interested in joining our association to get to know the other members and each other. During the weekend you can try out the different board sports,…

Weth Avalanche barbeque

  As first years I joined the two associations Weth(for windsurfing) and Avalanche(skateboarding, snowboarding). Since the beginning of the academic schoolyear I had to choose between activities of the two associations. Join the introweekend of Weth, or Avalanche… go drinking with Weth, or go skating with Avalanche… so it was a huge relieve when I heard of a…

Avalanche Warning

Afgelopen vrijdag werd er gewaarschuwd voor extreem lawinegevaar in de Aloys: Avalanche Warning! Het feestje was super geslaagd en aan de foto’s te zien heeft iedereen zich prima vermaakt (de herinneringen zijn een beetje vaag namelijk). De DJ’s Calypso & Devac zorgden voor de vette muziek, de paaldanseressen van SPV Blue voor het nodige entertainment…