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Date and time
Date(s) - Friday 15/4/2022
11:00 - 21:00
- Jet Rutten
- Stijn 2.0
- xuemei
Hellllooooooowwww dear boarders! So You Can Longboard Dance 2022 is back again.
In case you are wondering what is SYCLD? It is THE biggest longboard dancing/freestyle competition in the world, that is why it is also the official world-cup of longboard dancing!!! The cool part is several Avalanche boarders will participate in this competition. Come and cheer them on or just enjoy the vibes, skate, and eat pizza!
Friday we always skate @stadhuisplein all day! The vibe is amazing, you should come!
Er kunnen geen reserveringen meer worden geplaatst voor dit evenement.