Map Unavailable

Date and time
Date(s) - Monday 28/3/2022
20:00 - 22:00

Possies Geen Categorieën


  • Marijn Beukeveld
  • Amasja Harrewijn
  • Jet Rutten
  • Thijs van de Ven
  • Christal Lont
  • Frankoverbeeke
  • Iris Buijssen
  • Hannah Eikens
  • Onno
  • Stijn 2.0
  • Daan Stokbroekx

Dear members,

Due to some board members with Covid, the surf trip, and the snow trip our half-yearly general members meeting has been delayed. However, the time has finally come!

The 22nd board of E.S.S.V. Avalanche Boarders would like to invite you to join us MONDAY 28 MARCH on the TU/e campus!

We will talk about our lovely association and we will listen to what you guys have to say.

The agenda and last meetings minuted will be send to you via e-mail shortly in which you can also find the location of the GMM.


Er kunnen geen reserveringen meer worden geplaatst voor dit evenement.